Name of company
Gail De Souza
Registered office
Contact details
Business ID no.
Regulatory authority
No authroity in existence due to the spiritual nature of understanding
The privacy of everyone who visits this website is very important to us. Some non-personal information (such as your IP address, the type of browser you are using, the referring website, the operating system you are using, your Internet service provider, the search terms you use on our site, the specific web pages you visit, and the duration of your visits) may be collected by our website host, advertising networks, advertisers, affiliates, and Google Analytics. Any personal information we collect is what you give us (like when you leave a comment, or email us). Rest assured that this information is never sold or shared with outside parties.
We are also extremely selective about the brands we work with and only partner with companies that are a natural fit for Gail De Souza. The same goes for accepting products. We only showcase things on our site that we truly love and would normally buy on our own. In the case that something has been given to us, we always include that it’s courtesy of that brand (℅). Unless clearly marked as a “Sponsored” post, we are not compensated by any of the brands featured on the site.
We feature real love, engagement and weddings, inspiration boards featuring the work or products of those we love, and other occasional inspirational round ups. Giving credit where credit is due is very important to us. If you find that one of our links is accidentally incorrect, please let us know so that we may correct it.
We love to hear from you and do our best to respond to each and every one of you, whether personally, or in comments on the blog. If you; however, don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all. We reserve the right to remove any comments that are not in keeping with the Gail De Souza’s aim for this site. This is a drama free zone.